sms ncill: "fwd pls: dear kawans, td mimi ktemu pak adijaya dan beliau bilang JUM'AT MINGGU DEPAN (19/09) KOMPRE..jd tolong siapkan transkrip + outline scepatnya!"
balesan ke ncill: "MAU PINGSAN"
kenapa mau PINGSAN?
1. belum ngambil transkrip nilai
2. belum punya outline (let alone a decent topic!) dosa terbesar semester ini :(
3. i only have 8 days to study for the comprehension exam: oral and written
4. if i screw this up that means i have to take the make up test which is going to take longer to get the results and take up more of my time which means a slimmer chance on graduating 4.5 tahun..
5. i really need to graduate ASAP and this is the only way out that is actually classy :)
balesan ke ncill: "MAU PINGSAN"
kenapa mau PINGSAN?
1. belum ngambil transkrip nilai
2. belum punya outline (let alone a decent topic!) dosa terbesar semester ini :(
3. i only have 8 days to study for the comprehension exam: oral and written
4. if i screw this up that means i have to take the make up test which is going to take longer to get the results and take up more of my time which means a slimmer chance on graduating 4.5 tahun..
5. i really need to graduate ASAP and this is the only way out that is actually classy :)
hahah bikin gila ini..
*jedot2in kepala ke dinding*
*ngais2 tanah*
oh btw imma be linking you in my blog okiedokes ndro?
link away baby, ncilo kamu harus ngajarin aku a lot of things about blogging since im like so freggin gaptek :P
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