

gara2, di tag sama ncill dapet PE-ER deh..
the rules are to use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below..
then you must choose a picture in the first page results, and post it as your answer..
after that tag 7 people..

1. The age of my next birthday

twenty three, just like the movie poster *sigh*
i'm getting olderrrrr..

2. A place (or places) i'd like to travel to

danau toba, i'm pure bataknese, but i grew up everywhere except there..
it's just nice to know more about your own culture before accepting other cultures..

new york city, i lived there, i really wanna go visit once more :(

i was inspired after watching vicky cristina barcelona..
i'd like to go there someday..

3. A favorite place

my room, it's not big, it's not small but i have all my essentials in there..
it used to be so blue, now i splash in more colors to make it less TEENAGE-like haha :D

4. Favorite food

the funny thing is that i grew up mostly with western food, i do eat indo food but the typical ones you have at home..
but during my college years, i just start eating full spiced indo food such as rawon and tongseng, and GOT ADDICTED..
now i can swear to you i will never be able to live abroad because of the food :D

5. Favorite Things

my baking appliances,
the blue kitchen aid is what i dream of having, i asked my mom already hihihi..
i hope she does get it for me :)
i love my appliances, i don't have the money to buy those expensive nice looking ones but the plastic will do *for now*..

my mini library is overflowing with BOOKS, i seriously don't have any more space for books..
it is the pride and love of my room..
there are books, magazines, dvds, my perfumes, makeup and other fun stuff..
not one single person has ever gone to my room, without getting something out of my mini library..

6. Favorite Color

baby blue :)

7. Where I was born

moscow, rusia..
hence mouskovita which is from the russian word muskovite, which means a person from moscow..
that is if i'm not mistaken, for more info call my dad :D

8. A City I've lived in

sofia, bulgaria..
i spent my elementary years there, i went to an indo school for a year..
then to a french school for 3 years..
so no i don't speak a single bulgarian :P

9. A nickname that i have

sasha cohen, the figure skater..
my name is aleksandra which is a russian name ..
the nickname for alexandra/alexander in russian is sasha..
so there ya go..

10. College Major

my major who makes me feel like a minor :D
i have a love/hate relationship with it hehe..

11. Hobby

finally i found something that screams ME, my own personal thing..
that is not dad inspired or mom inspired..

i have that picture at home..
when i do read an interesting book, i must finish that book..
even if it requires for me to have a messed up sleeping cycle :D

12. Bad habit

nuff said..

not a morning person either..
on a sunday i'd prefer to sleep in than go out..

13. Name of my love

JOSH HARTNETT feat. Heikhal A. S. Pane
abang josh must be like "semeleketehe foto gw ditaro disamping abang pane"
butttt i also do love hasp :)

14. Wish list

out of law school..
in the real life ASAP PLEASE!!

find Mr. Right, who's willing to appreciate me as a partner no more no less..

perfect my role as a woman, becoming a mother of course..

run my own cupcake specialized bakery, insya allah :)

sekarang waktunya men-tag..


DwD said...

ah akhirnya nulis di blog lagi k'san hehehe. itu sandal baby bluenya bagus banget warnanya!

SaSHa said...

iyaaa setelah patah hati sama skripsi..
baru menemukan niat kembali..
doakan bertahan ya dek..

i used to have a baby blue old navy sandals, trus my uncle used it and now its gone hixxx..
jadi pas ngeliat gambar flip flops langsung deh :((